GeoIP2 expanded fields: continents and country registered

Base platform is fedora 38

sudo dnf install -y libmaxminddb libmaxminddb-devel

sudo dnf install -y geolite2-city geolite2-country geolite2-asn

download geolite2++, unpack

ccmake . to configure


Here are the various APIs to GeoIP2. And some idea of the continental slices. Background IP Geolocation Data for schema fields and metadata.

For the C++ API, use GeoLite2++ and here are the docs. Just use the pre-built binary from rizal.

To purchase a one-time GeoIP2 City-level database in binary format from MaxMind, go here. Stash the updated files in /usr/share/GeoIP.

The source interface is in the alpha60 file “a60-geo-maxmind-2.h”, and uses the following databases directly:




Cartography Futures

1.dymaxion to authagraph to myriahedral projections
Buckminister Fuller and co-cartographer Shoji Sadao, designed an alternative projection map, called the Dymaxion map. Since then, several other projections have been proposed that evolve the idea of map projections in a similar manner. Favorites are:
2. new approaches to population density, use natural earth data and then read the shapefile with python


4. geospatial python


5. example api

Ben Fry Geospatial

Processing started with a map of zip codes. Since then, Ben Fy has made some extraordinary maps of the United States, a few of which are listed below.

1. zipdecode. How does the postal code numbering work in the United States?

2. allstreets.